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Results for "content_type: "Profile/Bio""
Birthday of St. Teresa of Calcutta In honor of the servant of Calcutta, practice peace, silence, joy, kindness, and compassion.
Birthday of Leonard Bernstein Honoring the life of one of the first American conductors to receive worldwide acclaim.
Birthday of Howard Zinn (PDP) Remembering the radical historian and activist who risked all to make his prophetic call for peace and justice in America.
Birthday of Louis Armstrong To celebrate the life and exuberance of Louis Armstrong
Isaac Luria Day Help to repair the world by raising divine sparks as recommended by this Jewish mystic.
Birthday of Wendell Berry (PDP) Honoring the farmer, ecologist, cultural critic, teacher, and prolific author who reminds us of the value of living close to the land.
Birthday of Maggie Kuhn (PDP) Celebrating the pioneering work and accomplishments of the founder of the Gray Panthers (1972), a network of older people dedicated to fighting ageism.
Birthday of Gerard Manley Hopkins An opportunity to savor objects or nature as signs of the Divine.
Birthday of Amelia Earhart Honoring Amelia Earhart, the heroic aviator, on her birthday.
Birthday of Nelson Mandela (PDP) Honoring the life of the South African political leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who never gave up on his ideal of a democratic society.